The Forum Finance Group gana tres premios en los WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards 2025
The Forum Finance Group gana tres premios en los WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards 2025
Ginebra, 6 de marzo de 2025 – La gestora independiente con sede en Ginebra, The Forum Finance Group SA, ha sido galardonada con tres importantes premios en la quinta edición de los WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards 2025. En particular, el jurado la ha distinguido en las categorías de «Activos bajo gestión superiores a CHF 1.000 millones«, «Selección de Fondos/Asignación de Activos» y «Equipo de Planificación Patrimonial«.
Anunciados durante la ceremonia de entrega celebrada anoche en Zúrich, estos galardones reconocen a las organizaciones financieras más destacadas de Suiza. Los premios han sido diseñados para distinguir a aquellas entidades que, según el prestigioso jurado independiente, han demostrado “innovación y excelencia durante el último año». Cada una de estas categorías es altamente competitiva y está sujeta a un riguroso proceso de selección antes de que los jueces determinen al ganador. Es precisamente este proceso lo que hace que los premios WealthBriefing sean tan valorados entre los galardonados. A nivel global, estos premios son ampliamente valorados por los participantes, especialmente en momentos desafiante, ya que transmiten a los clientes confianza en la estabilidad y sostenibilidad del modelo empresarial y operativo de su gestora de activos.
En cuanto a la categoría de mejor EAM suizo con activos bajo gestión superiores a CHF 1.000 millones, el jurado tomó su decisión destacando el «enfoque visionario de Forum Finance en regulación y planificación sucesoria. Con incorporaciones estratégicas de alto nivel, una cartera de clientes diversa y una apuesta por oportunidades emergentes como la inteligencia artificial, blockchain y la transición energética, la empresa representa un modelo de adaptación y crecimiento exitoso en un mercado en constante evolución».
Respecto a la categoría de Selección de Fondos/Asignación de Activos, el jurado seleccionó a The Forum Finance Group por «su excelencia en la selección de fondos y asignación de activos. Con más de 30 años de experiencia, los analistas del grupo evalúan minuciosamente una amplia gama de instrumentos de inversión para diseñar carteras personalizadas, garantizando rendimientos óptimos para cada cliente a través de un proceso de selección riguroso y resiliente».
En relación con el Equipo de Planificación Patrimonial, los jueces premiaron a The Forum Finance Group por «demostrar un compromiso excepcional con la planificación patrimonial a través de un equipo especializado interno. Su dedicación a ofrecer soluciones integrales de planificación patrimonial y fiscal, combinadas con estrategias personalizadas desarrolladas por expertos, los diferencia al proporcionar servicios de alta calidad adaptados a las complejas necesidades de sus clientes».
Hippolyte de Weck, Socio Director y CEO de The Forum Finance Group declaró: «Nos sentimos realmente honrados de que nuestras fortalezas y logros sean reconocidos con estos prestigiosos premios del sector. Durante los últimos 30 años, nuestra empresa ha crecido significativamente hasta convertirse en uno de los principales actores del mercado suizo. Estamos orgullosos de todo lo que el equipo de Forum Finance ha logrado. ¡Es nuestro espíritu de colaboración lo que realmente nos distingue!«.
De hecho, anticipándose a la evolución de la industria de la gestión patrimonial, The Forum Finance Group ha fortalecido su estructura y organización en los últimos años, como lo demuestra la licencia CISA otorgada por FINMA en 2015 y su registro como Investment Advisor en la SEC de EE.UU. en 2016. La empresa invierte constantemente en investigación, gestión de inversiones y asesoría patrimonial, así como en tecnología, lo que le permite responder eficazmente a las necesidades cambiantes de sus clientes.
Si desea más información, póngase en contacto con:
Egon Vorfeld
The Forum Finance Group SA
T: +41 (0)22 552 83 00
Sobre The Forum Finance Group
Fundada en 1994 en Ginebra, The Forum Finance Group ofrece servicios de banca privada y gestión de activos a una clientela mundial de alto nivel. Cuenta con 26 empleados que gestionan y supervisan unos 2.000 millones de CHF. La empresa está autorizada con la licencia CISA por la FINMA y está registrada en la SEC como Investment Advisor.

Los ganadores de los premios WealthBriefing son elegidos por un panel independiente de jueces, basándose únicamente en el mérito. Estos premios no están predeterminados y no pueden comprarse.
After 30 years of success, Forum Finance has established itself as a leader in independent asset management in Switzerland
After 30 years of success, Forum Finance has established itself as a leader in independent asset management in Switzerland
Geneva, 7 May 2024 – 30 years after its creation, Geneva-based asset management company The Forum Finance Group SA is reaping the rewards of its investments and is thus ready to face the decades to come. With more than 25 employees overseeing almost CHF 2 billion, Forum Finance now ranks among the top 3% of independent asset managers in Switzerland and has the resources to match its ambitions. Thanks to its proven corporate governance, which provides access to capital for new partners, it is able to attract talented individuals who share its entrepreneurial vision
The results of its first 30 years of existence are particularly positive, and Forum Finance celebrated this jubilee in style last month by winning four major awards at the WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards 2024 (best ‘Next Gen’ program, best wealth planning team, best service to Latin American clients and best Chief Investment Officer in the person of Cyrille Urfer).
Its size enables Forum Finance to make the investments necessary to ensure its future development, whether in terms of technology or human resources. More fundamentally, at a time when many first-generation investment companies are struggling to find buyers or to ensure the succession of their founders, Forum Finance has for years had an effective and resilient governance system in place, which allows for a smooth renewal of its shareholder base and the arrival of new partners at the helm. This is a convincing argument for private bankers looking for a new home.
Forum Finance was also able to anticipate at an early stage the changes in the asset management industry. As early as 2015, it strengthened its structures in order to obtain a CISA licence from FINMA. Forum Finance is also registered with the SEC, which allows it to deal with US clients and provides an additional guarantee of solidity and transparency. In addition, Forum Finance has been investing for years in its research, investment management and wealth advisory resources, in order to respond effectively to the changing needs of its clients. Forum Finance thus offers wealth managers with an entrepreneurial spirit a solid framework, offering a fair and collaborative culture.
Hippolyte de Weck, CEO of Forum Finance, said: «Our 30th anniversary celebrations are the culmination of two particularly positive years for Forum Finance, with the appointment of two partners in 2022, the arrival of a new partner and the strengthening of our Board of Directors last year, topped off by four awards from WealthBriefing last month. Over the past thirty years, our company has grown considerably to become one of the leading players in the Swiss market. We owe this success, of course, to the commitment of each and every one of our employees, but above all to the trust and loyalty of our customers.»
For additional information, please contact :
Egon Vorfeld
The Forum Finance Group SA
T: +41 (0)22 552 83 00
Ricardo Payro
Payro Communication Sàrl
T: +41 (0)22 322 13 17
About Forum Finance
Founded in 1994 in Geneva, Forum Finance offers private banking and asset management services to a high-end global clientele. It has 25 employees who manage and supervise around CHF 2 billion. The company is authorised under the CISA licence by FINMA and is registered with the SEC as investment adviser.

Rejuvenation continues at Forum Finance
Rejuvenation continues at Forum Finance
Geneva, 5th April 2023 – Geneva-based independent asset manager The Forum Finance Group SA has appointed two new independent Board members – Biba Homsy and Alain Couttolenc – and a new Partner, Tanja von Ahnen. By strengthening its Board of Directors and regularly giving access to capital to new partners, Forum Finance reinforces its attractiveness for talented individuals and sets the foundations for its ambitious plans for the future.

Biba Homsy is Founder and Partner of Homsy Legal, a law firm based in Switzerland and Luxembourg specialising in financial markets, compliance, and crypto assets. Prior to that, she led teams at the Swiss regulator FINMA for 5 years, and was also Chief Compliance Officer at Credit Suisse, in charge of Luxembourg and its European branches (France, Portugal, Ireland, Austria, Netherlands). She was appointed as one of the 30 global experts in crypto currency by the World Economic Forum (WEF). A lecturer at several universities on compliance, anti-money laundering and Fintech, she holds two master’s degrees in law (French and Swiss universities) and a certification from Harvard Law School on financial regulation.
Alain Couttolenc is Head of Development and External Relations at IPSOS, a global leader in market research. After starting his career in 1995 at Nielsen Mexico, he joined the Renault Nissan Group in 1999 to launch Renault in Mexico as Marketing Manager. After 8 years, he returned to Nielsen as Vice President for Latin America, before moving to Paris then to Geneva, as Managing Director of Nielsen Media and Marketing Effectiveness. Alain Couttolenc holds a master’s degree in marketing from the Kellogg School of Management and a degree in economics from the Universidad Iberoamericana de Mexico. He has been teaching marketing at La Sorbonne since 2011, is a member of the EFFIE Global Awards, a member of the Executive Committee of the Geneva Investor Circle, an invited member of the World Economic Forum’s community of experts, and a member of Trust Valley’s advisory board.
Tanja von Ahnen joined Forum Finance in 2022 after a 16-year long career in private banking at Banque Syz and RBC, primarily servicing wealthy families based in Latin America. Prior to becoming a private banker, she worked as an independent consultant and as a controller with Allianz Insurance. She holds a master’s degree in Economics from Zurich University and Bachelor degree in Economics from Göttingen University.
A solid structure and governance
With nearly 30 years of steady growth, Forum Finance has proven its durability. Its robust and transparent governance guarantees the integrity of its leadership and allows it to welcome new partners to ensure its continuity. With CHF 2 billion under management, it has sufficient resources to finance its future growth. This solidity is further underlined by its FINMA CISA licence. Finally, registered with the SEC, Forum Finance can also look after American clients.
Offering a compelling alternative to wealth managers wishing to ‘future proof’ their activities
In view of the recent regulatory changes in the Swiss independent asset management industry, Forum Finance offers a solid framework with an equitable and collaborative culture for wealth managers who have an entrepreneurial spirit.
Hippolyte de Weck, CEO, said: «adding high quality talent is the greatest challenge for any company. We are therefore particularly pleased with the calibre of our new board members and our new partner. They will provide us with valuable guidance and support to grow our business further and prepare ourselves for the decades to come«.
For additional information, please contact:
Egon Vorfeld
The Forum Finance Group SA
T: +41 (0)22 552 83 00
Ricardo Payro
Payro Communication Sàrl
T: +41 (0)22 322 13 17
About Forum Finance
Founded in 1994 in Geneva, Forum Finance offers private banking and asset management services to a high-end global clientele. It has 25 employees who manage and supervise CHF 2 billion in assets. The company is regulated and supervised by the FINMA under the CISA licence and is registered with the SEC as investment adviser.

Forum Finance wins four awards at the WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards 2023
Forum Finance wins four awards at the WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards 2023

Forum Finance crowned best independent Swiss asset manager with assets over CHF 1 billion for the third year running.
Forum Finance crowned best independent Swiss asset manager with assets over CHF 1 billion for the third year running.
Forum Finance wins three additional awards for the best Next-Gen program, Wealth Planning team and Servicing North American clients.
Forum Finance wins three additional awards for the best Next-Gen program, Wealth Planning team and Servicing North American clients.
Geneva, 10th March 2023 – Geneva-based independent asset manager The Forum Finance Group SA has won the award for the best independent Swiss asset manager for the third year running at the WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards 2023, in the premier category of companies with assets under management of over CHF 1 billion. It won an additional 3 awards for the best Next-Gen program, Wealth Planning team and Servicing North American clients.
Announced during the prize-giving ceremony held last night in Zurich, the awards recognise the best independent Swiss asset management companies, selected through a rigorous process for their «innovation and excellence in 2022» by a panel of experts. The independent jury comprises specialist consultants, representatives of custodian banks and technology solution providers, as well as other industry experts.
In the case of Forum Finance, the panel of judges highlighted: “that the successful onboarding of the next generation of managers and client-facing people have allowed the implementation of excellent strategies which have enabled the company to grow its assets under management and become a leading EAM”. The judges also mentioned that they were “impressed by Forum Finance’s ability to provide specific wealth planning services to families and their Next Generation. Furthermore, the firm has put a lot of effort into hiring the right people to deliver on wealth planning and structuring issues”. With regard to the Servicing North American Clients award, they said: “the winner combines traditional asset management with specific US client services. With their qualifications to manage life assurance policies, together with providing an inhouse international wealth planner makes them a strong partner for US clients. A worthy winner”.
Indeed, having anticipated the changes in the asset management industry, Forum Finance has strengthened its structure and organisation over the last few years, as evidenced by the CISA licence granted by FINMA in 2015 and its registration as investment adviser with the US SEC in 2016. In addition, Forum Finance continues to invest in its research, investment management and wealth advisory resources, as well as in technology, enabling it to respond effectively to the changing needs of its clients.
Hippolyte de Weck, Managing Partner and CEO of Forum Finance, stated: «We are truly honoured to have been awarded these highly regarded industry accolades. Winning all these awards is most rewarding! It is a real testament of our collaborative and equitable corporate culture and our ability to attract great new talent. New talent also brings new ideas and new skills. Two of the awards this year clearly demonstrate that: best Wealth Planning team and Next-Gen program. These were a direct result of us hiring a dedicated wealth planner who is inherently also focussed on the next generation.”
For additional information, please contact:
Egon Vorfeld
The Forum Finance Group SA
T: +41 (0)22 552 83 00
Ricardo Payro
Payro Communication Sàrl
T: +41 (0)22 322 13 17
About Forum Finance
Founded in 1994 in Geneva, Forum Finance offers private banking and asset management services to a high-end global clientele. It has 25 employees who manage and supervise around CHF 2 billion. The company is authorised under the CISA licence by FINMA and is registered with the SEC as investment adviser.

Relevo de antorcha en Forum Finance
Relevo de antorcha en Forum Finance
Ginebra, 28 de septiembre de 2022 – El gestor de patrimonio independiente con sede en Ginebra, The Forum Finance Group SA, anuncia el nombramiento de Hippolyte de Weck como CEO a partir del 1 de octubre de 2022. Sustituye a Etienne Gounod, que pasa a ser presidente del Consejo de Administración. Este relevo generacional en la dirección de la empresa se enmarca en el sistema de gobernanza que Forum Finance viene aplicando desde hace años, que organiza la jubilación gradual de los socios a partir de los 65 años. Aunque muchas empresas de gestión independientes no podrán obtener su licencia de la FINMA antes de finales de diciembre, Forum Finance ofrece un sólido marco empresarial a los gestores de activos que buscan una estructura que les permita seguir ejerciendo su profesión.

Hippolyte de Weck se incorporó a Forum Finance como socio administrador en 2011. Anteriormente, trabajó durante 17 años en el Grupo UBS, ocupando diversos puestos en las áreas de emisión de bonos, gestión de riesgos y gestión de patrimonios privados en Fráncfort, Zúrich y Ginebra. Sucede a Etienne Gounod como CEO, que deja el Comité ejecutivo para convertirse en presidente del Consejo de Administración.

«Nuestras normas de gobierno interno establecen que, a los 65 años, los socios se retiran gradualmente para dejar paso a la siguiente generación. Después de 13 años como CEO y 19 años como socio administrador, ha llegado el momento de que deje la dirección operativa de Forum Finance y me centre en la estrategia a largo plazo de la empresa como presidente del Consejo«, dijo Etienne Gounod.
Una estructura y una gobernanza sólidas
Con 28 años de crecimiento constante, Forum Finance ha demostrado su perennidad. Su gobernanza sólida y transparente garantiza la continuidad de su liderazgo y le permite acoger a nuevos socios para asegurar la sucesión. Con 2.000 millones de CHF gestionados, dispone de recursos suficientes para financiar su futuro crecimiento. Esta solidez se ve reforzada por la licencia de la LPCC, que le permite ampliar su gama de servicios a la gestión de fondos de inversión y productos de pensiones. Por último, registrada en la SEC, Forum Finance también puede ocuparse de los clientes estadounidenses.
Ofrecer una solución convincente a los directivos que deseen continuar su actividad
En vista de la agitación que experimentará el sector suizo de la gestión independiente en los próximos meses, Forum Finance pretende desempeñar un papel activo en el próximo proceso de reestructuración, en particular ofreciendo un marco creíble para los gestores de activos cuya empresa no obtenga la licencia de la FINMA, que será obligatoria a partir del 1 de enero de 2023.
«Las advertencias y las cifras publicadas por la FINMA en agosto indican claramente que cientos de sociedades suizas de gestión de activos no obtendrán la preciada licencia a tiempo. Nuestro tamaño, la estructura que ya hemos puesto en marcha, nuestras perspectivas de desarrollo y las posibilidades que ofrecemos para acceder al capital hacen que Forum Finance sea una solución especialmente convincente para los gestores de activos que buscan un nuevo entorno en el que continuar su actividad», explicó Hippolyte de Weck, CEO.
Para más información, póngase en contacto con:
Egon Vorfeld
The Forum Finance Group SA
T: +41 (0)22 552 83 00
Ricardo Payro
Payro Communication Sàrl
T: +41 (0)79 460 57 74
Acerca de Forum Finance
Fundada en 1994 en Ginebra, Forum Finance ofrece servicios de gestión privada y gestión de activos a clientes de alta gama. Cuenta con 25 empleados que gestionan y supervisan 2.000 millones de francos suizos en activos. Bajo una licencia LPCC, la compañía está regulada y supervisada por la FINMA y está registrada en la SEC como asesor de inversiones.

Allnews - La digitalisation de la gestion de fortune, défi ou solution?
La digitalisation de la gestion de fortune, défi ou solution?
Répondre aux attentes d’une nouvelle génération qui cherche la simplicité de fonctionnement, l’accessibilité à ses comptes, la flexibilité et la rapidité d’exécution … à moindre coût.

Depuis la crise des crédits subprime de 2008, la banque privée Suisse a fait face à de nombreux défis. L’explosion réglementaire, la fin du secret bancaire, la révolution digitale, les taux bas, une pandémie… Ces défis ont testé les limites de la structure des modèles d’affaires existant, mettant à jour la fragilité et le manque de flexibilité de nombreux établissements. De tous ces défis, le plus considérable est sans doute la digitalisation des processus et des structures existantes. Nous allons voir comment certains gérants indépendants ont su industrialiser leur modèle d’affaire et pourquoi les grandes banques prennent généralement du retard.
Forum Finance appoints two new partners
Forum Finance appoints two new partners
Geneva, 5th April 2022 – Geneva-based independent asset manager The Forum Finance Group SA has appointed Charles-Henri de Marignac and Alban Janssens de Bisthoven as Partners as of 1st April 2022. These promotions are in line with the corporate governance put in place many years ago, which allows talented individuals to have access to the capital, while ensuring a smooth handover between generations of partners. With this rejuvenation of its shareholder base, Forum Finance is resolutely looking to the future and intends to play an active role in the industry’s consolidation process, particularly by attracting relationship managers looking for a wealth management company with a convincing entrepreneurial strategy. With over CHF 2 billion in assets under management, Forum Finance is one of the 50 largest independent asset managers in Switzerland.

Before joining Forum Finance in February 2017, Charles-Henri de Marignac spent four years at Mirabaud & Cie as portfolio manager. Prior to that, he was an equity analyst and fund manager at S.W. Mitchell Capital in London between 2008 and 2012. Charles-Henri de Marignac is a graduate of HEC Lausanne.

Alban Janssens de Bisthoven joined Forum Finance in October 2018 as Head of wealth planning. Prior to that, he worked for 11 years at Julius Baer in Geneva, as Director in Wealth & Tax Planning for the European markets. Previously, he was active in two law firms in Brussels and Amsterdam, specialising in estate planning and tax law. Alban Janssens de Bisthoven holds a Master’s degree magna cum laude in law from UCL, a Master’s degree in business law from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and a Master’s degree magna cum laude in tax law and international tax law from the Solvay Business School.
With these new appointments, Forum Finance now has 7 partners: Etienne Gounod (CEO), Egon Vorfeld, Hippolyte de Weck, Jean-François Andrade, Kinan Khadam Al Jame, Charles-Henri de Marignac and Alban Janssens de Bisthoven. The past year was marked by many positive developments for Forum Finance, whose assets under management exceeded the CHF 2 billion mark and also by receiving the award of the best independent Swiss asset manager with AUM over CHF 1 billion and that of the best investment process team, granted by the WealthBriefing Swiss EAM Awards.

Etienne Gounod, CEO, said: «We are delighted to welcome Charles-Henri and Alban as Partners of Forum Finance. Whether it is through the successful management of his fund or his professional approach to assisting clients with their wealth planning, they have both shown relentless commitment and have greatly contributed to the success and growth of Forum Finance. Our internal governance rules provide that at the age of 65, the partners gradually retire to make way for the next generation. Having seen them at work for several years, I know that they will take over the reins with great aptitude.»
For additional information, please contact :
Egon Vorfeld
The Forum Finance Group SA
T: +41 (0)22 552 83 00
Ricardo Payro
Payro Communication Sàrl
T: +41 (0)22 322 13 17
About Forum Finance
Founded in 1994 in Geneva, Forum Finance offers private banking and asset management services to a high-end global clientele. It has 20+ employees who manage and supervise more than CHF 2 billion in assets. The company is regulated and supervised by the FINMA under the CISA licence and is registered with the SEC as investment adviser.